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Welcome to ViTrade

ViTrade is your reliable partner for professional brokerage.
We offer individually tailored terms and conditions, flexible platforms and individual tools for discerning traders. Our service is personal, first-class and expert. You benefit from our longstanding experience in stock exchange trading – on-floor, off-floor and internationally. Our high-performance trading platform HTX provides direct stock exchange access.

flatexDEGIRO Bank AG is regulated by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin).

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  • Mobile Trading
  • flexible tools
  • personal assistance

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Your benefits at a glance

  • Trade through a high-performance platform
  • Trade from EUR 5.95 per order
  • Trade at international stock exchanges
  • Extensive range of tradable products
  • Professional support provided by trained exchange traders
  • Regulation by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)


Our high-performance and reliable trading platform HTX with direct stock exchange access is geared entirely towards the needs of day traders and heavy traders. The HTX user interface can be freely configured and easily adapted to your requirements. Convenient features and highly professional charting enable a fast response to market developments, supplemented by useful applications.
Would you like to engage in short selling? The HTX provides a rapid overview of intra-day and overnight short selling options for individual securities. On request, ViTrade is able to give you generous trading lines of up to several times your equity for this purpose. Trade with intelligent order types – whenever you want and wherever you are – using the free HTX mobile app for iPad and iPhone.

Flexible trading

At ViTrade you can make use of all the main types of investment from a single source. We offer trading with shares, certificates, bonds, ETFs, ETCs, futures and warrants at all German floor-based stock exchanges, XETRA and EUREX. 24 trading partners are available to you for off-floor trading.

Buy and hold trading is currently available at 13 international stock exchanges. Cross-border trading is available in a total of 33 countries. Accounts and depots can be held free of charge.

You have access to our professional trading platform HTX, the browser-based WebTrader and the HTX mobile app for iPad and iPhone.

Terms and conditions

Customers trade on ViTrade from EUR 5.95 per trade and benefit from direct stock exchange access, one-click trading, intra-day and overnight short selling as well as a wide range of other features offered by the professional trading platform HTX. Accounts and depots are held with the German bank flatexDEGIRO Bank AG. This service is provided free of charge. It is also possible to hold accounts in foreign currencies. You will find the current terms and conditions in the flatexDEGIRO Bank AG list of prices and services.

Professional Service

Professional traders justifiably expect professional service. Since ViTrade means brokerage by traders for traders, our customers can rely on expertise, experience and excellent service quality.

You have a direct, reliable contact partner to assist you.

The ViTrade customer service is available on all trading days from 8:00 am to 10 pm on a hotline and by e-mail.


Platform Demo

Find out for yourself.

Take a look at the HTX demo to find out for yourself about the functions and options offered by a professional trading platform.

  • free of charge
  • non-binding
  • up to four weeks

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Open your account

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Open your ViTrade account and depot now and trade with a reliable partner at your side.

  • free depot
  • free demo account
  • personal assistance

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Any further questions?

If you have any further questions regarding ViTrade, our services and the trading platforms, we will be more than happy to answer them in person.

  • via e-mail
  • by phone
  • via one-on-one online meeting

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Investments in financial instruments carry risks of loss. No investment advice.